
Requirement In this post, we will learn how to get last element in list of dataframe in spark. Solution Create a dataframe with dummy data: val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq( (“1100”, “Person1”, “Street1#Location1#City1”, null), (“1200”, “Person2”, “Street2#Location2#City2”, “Contact2”), (“1300”, “Person3”, “Street3#Location3#City3”, null), (“1400”, “Person4”, null, “Contact4”), (“1500”, “Person5”, “Street5#Location5#City5”, null) )).toDF(“id”,Read More →

Requirement The UDF is a user-defined function. As its name indicate, a user can create a custom function and used it wherever required. We do create UDF when the existing build-in functions not available or not able to fulfill the requirement. Sample Data empno ename designation manager hire_date sal deptnoRead More →