Create Delta Table from JSON File in Databricks


In this post, we are going to read a JSON file using Spark and then load it into a Delta table in Databricks.


We can use the below sample data for the exercise. In our case, we have placed this file is located in FilteStore in the Databricks cluster:

        "empno": "9369",
        "ename": "SMITH",
        "designation": "CLERK",
        "manager": "7902",
        "hire_date": "12/17/1980",
        "sal": "800",
        "deptno": "20",
        "location": "BANGALORE"
        "empno": "9499",
        "ename": "ALLEN",
        "designation": "SALESMAN",
        "manager": "7698",
        "hire_date": "2/20/1981",
        "sal": "1600",
        "deptno": "30",
        "location": "HYDERABAD"
        "empno": "9521",
        "ename": "WARD",
        "designation": "SALESMAN",
        "manager": "7698",
        "hire_date": "2/22/1981",
        "sal": "1250",
        "deptno": "30",
        "location": "PUNE"
        "empno": "9566",
        "ename": "TURNER",
        "designation": "MANAGER",
        "manager": "7839",
        "hire_date": "4/2/1981",
        "sal": "2975",
        "deptno": "20",
        "location": "MUMBAI"
        "empno": "9654",
        "ename": "MARTIN",
        "designation": "SALESMAN",
        "manager": "7698",
        "hire_date": "9/28/1981",
        "sal": "1250",
        "deptno": "30",
        "location": "CHENNAI"
        "empno": "9369",
        "ename": "SMITH",
        "designation": "CLERK",
        "manager": "7902",
        "hire_date": "12/17/1980",
        "sal": "800",
        "deptno": "20",
        "location": "KOLKATA"

We have sample data in a JSON file available at the storage account path

Step 1: Load JSON File in Dataframe

In this step, we will load the JSON file in a Spark Dataframe using the below code:

val jsonDf ="multiline", "true").json("/FileStore/tables/emp_data1.json")

Here, we have used Option to handle multiline JSON.

Step 2: Create Delta Table from Dataframe

Once we loaded the JSON data into Dataframe, we can create a delta table using the below command:


Data Validation

Let’s check the table whether data was loaded correctly in the delta table or not:

You can also check the table structure using below query in SQL:

show create table testdb.jsondatatable;

Wrapping Up

In this post, we have learned how to read JSON data in a dataframe and then create a Delta table to store the data.

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