Notebook Workflow in Databricks

As of now, we have learned to create a notebook with any default language, pass the parameter using widgets, version control in the notebook. In this post, we are going to learn to execute the created notebook.


There are ways to run the notebooks:

  • Within the Notebook (just by clicking the run for each cell or run all for the entire notebook)
  • Using %run command
  • Using API

We are not going to discuss the 1st approach as it is simple and manual which we basically for debugging.



 %run /path/to/notebook $widget1Key="someValue" $widget2Key="someValue"

Here, we want to run the notebook which is available at /path/to/notebook and required 2 parameters named as widgte1Key and widget2Key. With the %run command (in bash cell) at the beginning, it will start execution.

Let’s see some other example, where we want to pass the output of one notebook to another notebook. With this command, we will not be able to achieve. Hence, the other approach is API comes into the picture.

It has 2 APIs:

  1. run
  2. exit

#1 run

It takes below 3 arguments:

  • path: String type: Path of the notebook
  • timeout_seconds: Int type: Controls the timeout of the run (0 indicates no timeout)
  • arguments: Map type: Widgets value required in the notebook. For example: “widget1Key”: “someValue”, ….

Template"notebook", 60, {"widget1Key": "someValue", "widget2Key": "someValue", ...})"notebook", 60, Map("widget1Key" -> "someValue", "widget2Key" -> "someValue", ...))

#2 exit

It takes 1 argument:

  • returnValue: String Type: Return this from the calling notebook



Wrapping Up

In this post, we have learned to run the notebook by passing the parameter. We can use the exit to return any value from the notebook or any exception based on the failure.

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