Best Software for Coders

5 Software every coder should have.

Yeah, you read that right. I don’t want you to struggle more if you are a coder. As a Coder, I personally find that it d’ be great if you have tool or software for tasks which are monotonous and time-consuming and it would be great if it can minimize the effort of coder and increases the productivity in actual coding stuff.  We coder loves automation, isn’t it? So here we go with the list of software every coder should have.

1.  Notepad ++


I love this, as the name implies it is really plus to have in your system, and always favorite of a coder. If you have not yet used this software, I would recommend you to use it right now. Thank me later.

Why I am a big fan of this software is because of multi-language support and multi-editing environment. You can open as many files as you want, you can have different programming languages in these files. It provides regular expression in find & replaces. The list will go on. I will cover them in a separate post. You can subscribe us if you wish to get notified about it.

2. Microsoft to do

On a daily basis Coder’s life is like converting a set of requirements into code, And as Human tendency, we might forget some of the tasks which are essential. For that you can get benefits from Microsoft To-do, You might already have this software, Use this to organize your tasks.

You can create a new list for a specific category. Like I have created three categories for myself.

Home-related, Work-related and Personal, you can organize yourself in a better way and there is no need to remember everything. You can focus on what is important for you.

You can even pin to do tasks in your start bar.

3. Share Mouse

The Problem I personally faced when I bought another laptop to increase my Productivity and work speed. But you know when you have two computers and they have separate mouse and will be tough to handle both of them together.

So I used this software named as share mouse. This is mouse and keyboard sharing software. You can use only one mouse and one keyboard for all of your computers. You just need to move your mouse arrow. Remember all computer should be connected together over Wi-Fi.

I use mobile to create a hotspot and then connect every computer with that Wi-Fi. And then you are ready to use it. You can even files from one computer to another computer with just drag and drop.

4.Google hangouts

When I connect with my friends to help them with work-related problems. I find Google hangouts very useful. You can share your screen/Audio and video all together using Google hangouts. You just need to login to your Gmail account and click on Google hangouts to start using this software.

5. Putty:

Putty is terminal emulation software. Whenever you need to connect to other servers you just need to enter server details and valid credentials and you can start your coding and work. You can use this software for personal use also. Like I have installed Linux on one computer and windows on another computer. I use Linux machine as server and putty in windows as a client.


I hope you‘ve enjoyed this post. You might have already used these, but if not, then definitely it is going to help you. Share among your friends and colleagues and they will thank you.


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