How to pivot data in a Spark DataFrame?

In this post, we will explore how to pivot data in a Spark DataFrame. Pivoting is a powerful operation that allows us to restructure our data by transforming rows into columns.


Given a Spark DataFrame containing sales data, we want to pivot the data to have product categories as columns and calculate the total sales amount for each category.


To solve this problem, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Load the sales data into a Spark DataFrame.
  2. Pivot the data to transform rows into columns using the product categories.
  3. Perform aggregation to calculate the total sales amount for each category.
  4. Display the pivoted and aggregated results.


  1. Read the sales data into a Spark DataFrame.
  2. Pivot the data using the pivot() method, specifying the column to pivot on (product category).
  3. Apply an aggregation function, such as sum(), to calculate the total sales amount for each category.
  4. Display the pivoted and aggregated results.

Sample Data

Let’s assume our sales data is in the following format:

| Product  | Category | Sales Amount |


| Product1 | Category1| 1000         |

| Product2 | Category2| 1500         |

| Product3 | Category1| 500          |

| Product4 | Category2| 2000         |

| Product5 | Category3| 1200         |


# Import necessary libraries

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

from pyspark.sql.functions import sum

# Create a SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PivotExample").getOrCreate()

# Read the sales data into a DataFrame

sales_data ="sales_data.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)

# Pivot the data and calculate total sales for each category

pivoted_data = sales_data.groupBy("Product").pivot("Category").agg(sum("Sales Amount"))

# Display the pivoted results


– First, we import the required libraries, including SparkSession for creating a Spark application and sum() from pyspark.sql.functions for the aggregation operation.

– Next, we create a SparkSession object.

– Then, we read the sales data from a CSV file into a DataFrame, assuming the file has a header row and the schema can be inferred.

– We use the groupBy() method on the DataFrame, specifying the “Product” column as the grouping key.

– With the pivot() method, we specify the column to pivot on (“Category”), and Spark automatically creates new columns for each distinct category.

– Using the agg() method, we apply the sum() function to calculate the total sales amount for each category.

– Finally, we display the pivoted results using the show() method.


The output of the code snippet will be:


| Product| Category1 | Category2 | Category3 |


|Product1|   1000    |    null   |   null    |

|Product2|   null    |   1500    |   null    |

|Product3|   500     |    null   |   null    |

|Product4|   null    |   2000    |   null    |

|Product5|   null    |    null   |   1200    |


Wrapping Up

In this post, we discussed how to pivot data in a Spark DataFrame. We covered the problem statement, solution approach, logic, sample data, code implementation, explanation, and the resulting output. Pivoting data in Spark can help restructure and summarize information for better analysis and reporting. Experiment with different aggregation functions and variations of pivot to adapt to your specific use cases.

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