
Requirement In this post, we will learn how to get last element in list of dataframe in spark. Solution Create a dataframe with dummy data: val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq( (“1100”, “Person1”, “Street1#Location1#City1”, null), (“1200”, “Person2”, “Street2#Location2#City2”, “Contact2”), (“1300”, “Person3”, “Street3#Location3#City3”, null), (“1400”, “Person4”, null, “Contact4”), (“1500”, “Person5”, “Street5#Location5#City5”, null) )).toDF(“id”,Read More →

Requirement Suppose, you have one table in hive with one column and you want to split this column into multiple columns and then store the results into another Hive table. Solution Assume the name of hive table is “transact_tbl” and it has one column named as “connections”, and values in connectionsRead More →